I’ve always been a writer
I always dreamed of being a writer. Getting a job as a journalist was the first step and led to a real break when a writer I’d interviewed, Susan Quilliam, invited me to stand in for her as author of a couple of relationships titles. One book lead to another – because there’s nothing a publisher loves so much as someone who has already developed a platform for their work – and the chance to start writing about topics close to my heart. I’m currently working on a new title about Living Softly…
One day I saw an advert for training to lead Heal Your Life® workshops
It was one of those ‘aha’ moments – and the decision to head to the US to train alongside Patricia Crane and Rick Nicholls of Heart Inspired changed my life. The Heal Your Life workshops I trained to lead back in 2006 are based on the work of Louise Hay, who taught me that I had created the rather unsatisfactory life I was living, through my thinking, my beliefs, and my lack of self-care.
It was an empowering moment for me. I couldn’t blame anyone else then for this feeling that I was ‘in the wrong life’. Since 2006 I’ve been using Louise’s ideas and tools to ‘re-create’ my life to one that fits me better, with more peace and fulfilment, better relationships, work I love and a strong sense of living on purpose. The workshops I run are about helping others to do the same.
Since 2015 I’ve been assisting in the UK and US with the training of new Heal Your Life® teachers and coaches, and am one of two UK mentors supporting them after licensing.
Can I help you live your best life?
I’ve always believed we teach what we need to learn, which is where the idea for my book – Have the best year of your life – came from. The ideas in there reflect what I learned about living the breadth of your life as well as its length: carry on learning and experiencing new things; know how to receive as well as to give; have fun and get outdoors as often as you can; make lots of time for family and friends, and make as much time to sit quietly with yourself and listen to what you know.
It was my passion for the outdoors which brought me, in July 2023, to the Lake District to live my next chapter in a place that I have always loved. And I hope that as I start to plan more workshops and retreats up here that I will be able to share the beauty of this part of the world with others…