Heal Your Life coaching

I’ve been coaching clients for two decades, helping them see their lives – past, present and, above all, future – with clarity and confidence. – and teaching them the tools they need for success.

Many of us know what we want it life but struggle to take the steps to get there, held back by fear, lack of self belief, or lifelong procrastination!

Others of us have been on a personal development journey for years, then somehow find we are stuck, uncertain of our choices, our capabilities and ourselves.

Or life is pretty good, but there’s something we need to sort out to make it even better: a difficult relationship, dissatisfaction with our work, low self esteem, money or health troubles.

I’m a licensed Heal Your Life® coach and workshop leader

My coaching practice is based on the ideas of Louise Hay, who taught that we are more powerful than we ever dreamed – once we learn to challenge old beliefs and patterns, and practice self acceptance. However, I also draw on coaching insights, tools and exercises from many other sources, especially Cheryl Richardson (Stand Up for Your Life, and The Art of Extreme Self Care), Susan Jeffers (Feel the Fear and Beyond, Embracing Uncertainty), Gill Edwards (Living Magically and Life is a Gift)Brene BrownDebbie Ford, Wayne Dyer and David Hamilton

Coaching will help you move forward again

Coaching will help speed up the process of change, helping you to clearly see the changes you need to make, supporting you with the tools you need; and energising and inspiring you to use them. It will:

  • Encourage and motivate you to achieve goals faster
  • Help you find balance between the many areas of your life
  • Teach you techniques for handling whatever is challenging you
  • Support you in setting priorities and managing your time
  • Show you how to find your own answers
  • Offer a different perspective and creative solutions to whatever is keeping you stuck
  • Enable you to grow your self belief and practice self care.

“Thank you for your deep and gentle coaching. I felt loved and held with such infinite kindness in navigating my challenges. I now have faith and clarity in my purpose.”

You may need a few sessions or an ongoing relationship

Some people come to coaching with a particular issue they want to resolve – and find a few sessions is enough to shift things. Others arrive knowing they want change in many areas of their lives and work with me for anything from three to six months.

We’ll discuss that at the start during a one-hour ‘discovery session’ – a chance for us to find out about each other and discuss your goals and a timeline for our sessions. To book that initial discovery session, which I offer at half price, email or call me.

“I’ll always be so grateful to you for giving me the tools to get myself sorted out. Now looking back I realise just how very lost I was.”

You can be coached face to face, over the phone, or online

I love to sit with clients and cups of coffee in the sanctuary of my coaching space. But for many it’s just not possible to find the time for travelling to a session on top of the coaching itself. So I’m equally happy to work with you over Skype, Zoom, Facetime, What’s App, or any of the other myriad of technologies that have brought us all closer together. One of the advantages of technology is that I’m able to work with clients all over the world, from Australia and the US to the Middle East.

Jane is a highly intuitive coach whose gentle approach has supported me through some challenging issues. I’ve cleaned out and healed some deep wounds, wounds that I thought I had resolved. Jane has  a way of helping me clearly see the barriers to my progress, and with her extensive knowledge, experience and deep wisdom, she enables and empowers me to remove them. I always look forward to our sessions, knowing that I’ll be taking another step to achieving my goals.”

It won’t cost a fortune; it will be one of the best investments you make in yourself

I have a sliding scale of rates between £60-50 a session (depending on your life circumstances; plus those who’ve already attended workshops with me get the lower mate’s rate). We’ll discuss these during the discovery session.

You can start the next chapter of your life right now

Email me at jane@janematthews.com and I will call you to arrange a session. Or pick up the phone right now and talk to me on 07791 065361

I had some sessions with Jane to help me with a couple of areas in my life where I felt stuck. Jane’s quick grasp of the underlying issues, followed by her intuitive guidance for where to rethink my beliefs and current self-talk, helped me gain clarity. We then composed empowering affirmations and these have led to the areas quickly improving. They were powerful and informative sessions. Thank you Jane!”

Shift Happens Photo by SOULSANA on Unsplash