Expand: step outside your comfort zone

Expand: step outside your comfort zone

What have you got to lose by trying something new?

So often we say we want our lives to change and improve, and yet we go on doing the same things in the same ways, thinking the same thoughts we’ve always thought.

The expand activities in Have the Best Year of your Life are designed to test the limits of your comfort zone, and get you in the mood for change.

Sometimes it’s easier to begin with small steps. Instead of overhauling your whole life, start by changing the colour or style of your hair, the places you shop or even the route you travel to work. By chipping away at lifelong habits and trying new things, you’ll begin to re-educate the voice inside that tells you that change = risk.

With some of the activities below, gently begin to test the limits you’ve unconsciously placed around your life, on the way to becoming an expanded version of yourself.

Eat something for breakfast that you’ve never eaten at this time of day before. Whoever said you couldn’t start the day with fruit pie or cheese pasta? I once once ate custard for breakfast every day for a month when I was travelling, and ever since associate a bowl of custard with new horizons!

Go to a section of the bookshop that you never usually visit. Your task is to choose something that’s the polar opposite of what you normally choose. Who knows, you may even uncover a new passion.

Spend some time today talking to someone you don’t know well. Find out about their life and views. Make an effort to get to know them a little. Who knows what you might be setting in train?

Have the Best Year of Your Life…

Including these Expand activities, Have the Best Year of Your Life sets out seven areas where your personal growth can take place, and where joy, discovery and change can enter your life.

Visit my Instagram and LinkedIn pages for more updates, and buy Have the Best Year of Your Life for an activity, challenge, or piece of growth work every day of the year.