Receive – treat yourself

Receive – treat yourself

In my book ‘Receiving’ appears before ‘Giving’  – so I’m doing the same in this blog series.

The reason I’m doing so is because many of us find it easier to give than to receive. We’ll happily support friends who are going through a tough time but find it near impossible to ask for help when we hit bumps in the road. We give out compliments but are uncomfortable when others compliment us. 

Most of us were brought up being told that wanting anything for ourselves is ‘selfish’. But being open to receive as well as to give is light years away from selfishness. The truth is that the more we fuel our own tanks, the more we have to give and share with others.

The receiving activities in Have the Best Year of Your Life give you the opportunity for some self-care and occasional treats, taking time out for you, in order that you can show up in the rest of your life, recharged and renewed. 

If you’ve picked up the book, or opened this blog, you’ve already started to commit to doing something for yourself – to working towards growth and changing your life.

Below are some ideas for fun, feeding your soul and attending to your inner child in the spirit of learning to be a better ‘receiver’…

Buy yourself some flowers for your bedroom. It’s natural to want to display flowers where others can enjoy them too but these flowers are your treat. So set a vase close to your bed where you can fall asleep and awake to the colours and scents of your own indoor garden.

Whatever the time of year, choose a seasonal treat for yourself today. If it’s spring, how about asparagus in butter, or in summer you could find somewhere to pick your own strawberries. Winter favourites of mine include gingerbread latte and gluhwein. What are your tastebuds craving as the year unfolds?

Buy a favourite sweet you loved as a child, and eat it without guilt.

Learning to appreciate ourselves means knowing which colours really complement our skin tones and bring us alive. Treat yourself to a colour consultation, or get together with a few friends and lots of scarves to drape close to your skin. You can advise each other on which colours best enhance the way you look.

Have the Best Year of Your Life…

Including these receive activities, Have the Best Year of Your Life sets out seven areas where your personal growth can take place, and where joy, discovery and change can enter your life.

Visit my Instagram and LinkedIn pages for more updates, and buy Have the Best Year of Your Life for an activity, challenge, or piece of growth work every day of the year.