Is there anything more annoying than not being able to get to your own front gate because legions of inconsiderate parents on the school run have grid-locked the neighbourhood? At least that was what I was telling myself as IContinue reading… A lesson in minding my mind
Author: Jane Matthews
Expand: step outside your comfort zone
What have you got to lose by trying something new? So often we say we want our lives to change and improve, and yet we go on doing the same things in the same ways, thinking the same thoughts we’veContinue reading… Expand: step outside your comfort zone
Give: become a part of something bigger than yourself
Many of us spend a large amount of time giving to others, whether it is making time for our friends or undertaking duties for family members. But our kindnesses can sometimes be limited to people we know, or whatever weContinue reading… Give: become a part of something bigger than yourself
Grow: get to know yourself better
All of the activities in Have the Best Year of Your Life are about growth in some way – as growth is inevitable as you take the steps towards changing your life. But once a week, these dedicated Grow exercises will encourage you toContinue reading… Grow: get to know yourself better
Everything stops for tea?
Fast food, fast lane, superfast broadband….it seems the goal of every service provider is to make our lives quicker. The trouble with ‘fast’ is that it so often also means unconscious. The faster they hurry us, the less we notice. IContinue reading… Everything stops for tea?
Why it always helps to sit beside the track…
My next book, Living Softly, shares three principles for living a more peaceful and fulfilling life: Mind your Mind, Be Kind, and Make Space for Grace. From time to time, as I work on the book, I want to expandContinue reading… Why it always helps to sit beside the track…
Living Softly: an a-z of feeling good
It’s many years since I’ve had to conjure up car games to keep the little ones from wailing ‘are we there yet?’ But back in the day, my go-to game was the one that starts “I went shopping and IContinue reading… Living Softly: an a-z of feeling good
Receive – treat yourself
In my book ‘Receiving’ appears before ‘Giving’ – so I’m doing the same in this blog series. The reason I’m doing so is because many of us find it easier to give than to receive. We’ll happily support friends whoContinue reading… Receive – treat yourself
Rise and shine or rise and whine?
Another in the occasional series of posts expanding on the three themes in my next book on Living Softly: mind your mind, be kind and make space for grace… I’ve been finding it hard to get out of bed lately.Continue reading… Rise and shine or rise and whine?
Connect: reflecting inwardly
Of all the activities in my book, it’s possible that the ‘connect’ suggestions are my favourite. They encourage you (and me!) to stop, go within, and reconnect with ourselves. My book encourages you to try all sorts of new things,Continue reading… Connect: reflecting inwardly