Believing in yourself: self esteem workshop

Two chances to do this workshop:

Saturday May 11th, 10.30am – 4.15pm, Kendal town centre

Saturday May 18th, 10am – 4.00pm, Hatch End, London 

Are you your own worst critic; convinced deep down that you’re not good enough, clever enough or beautiful enough? Are there things you’d do in your life if only you believed in yourself more?

If low self-esteem is holding you back then this workshop – based on the wisdom of Louise Hay – will help you achieve a new level of self-belief and self-approval.

During the workshop you will:

Discover the roots of your low self-esteem and the unconscious beliefs that are preventing you from living the life you want.

Learn how to challenge your inner judge,  change the soundtrack of self-criticism and embrace the truth that you ARE enough.

Walk away armed with a host of  proven practical tools and techniques to boost your self-belief, navigate through self-esteem dips, and cultivate peace and acceptance in moments of doubt.

You are not alone

Join us for a day of self-discovery and empowering ‘aha’ moments. You’re not alone on this journey to self-acceptance and confidence – here’s what other participants say:

“The Self Esteem Workshop was so refreshing, to find people who all seem so confident and lovely, but all having the same doubts about themselves as I did, really helped. I’ve reached a new level of accepting myself.” 

“At last I found answers to why I have had a long-held, deep and demanding belief about myself. To finally have this level of understanding that your workshop gave me, has changed my whole outlook on this issue.”

Here’s how to join

There are two opportunities to join this workshop: in Kendal, South Lake District, or one week later at Hatch End (Harrow) in London. 

The Kendal workshop takes place at the Friends Meeting Place, Stramongate, LA9 4BH and there are 12 places available. The fee for this workshop is £65 which includes all materials, hot drinks during the break times, and a goody bag to take away!

To book your place click here:

The London workshop is in Evelyn Drive, HA5 4RL, with places limited to 6. The fee for this workshop is £60 including all materials and refreshments and snacks during break times.

To book your place contact me for a booking form: